This document contains instructions for enabling and configuring DECnet networking on OpenVMS 8.4. This example was created using OpenVMS runing on an AXPBox Alpha simulator while logged in as SYSTEM. However, this document may be applicable to other versions of OpenVMS, and/or running on a physical AlphaServer.
Please adjust these values to whatever is appropriate for your environment. For reference, the full example network is documented here: OpenVMS Simulator Network
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS network configuration procedure
This procedure will help you create or modify the management scripts
needed to operate DECnet on this machine. You may receive help about
most questions by answering with a question mark '?'.
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-SETUPNEW, setting up for new configuration
You have the option of choosing the following directory services for
your system
Local file (LOCAL) - A local namespace that uses flat naming.
DECdns - A distributed namespace.
Domain - A naming service that uses DNS/BIND.
The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can even
scale beyond that number. The actual number of nodes that the Local file
can hold depends on the space available on your system.
If you choose to enter more than one directory service for your system,
the ordering of this list is *very important*, as the first directory
service entered in this list will be considered the primary directory
service to use on the system. The primary directory service is considered
the first choice to use when looking up naming information for the system.
If you are running a DNS Clerk on this system, or plan to run a DNS Clerk
on this system, DECdns *must* be the first service in the list.
Enter an *ordered* list of the directory services you want to use on
the system. If you enter more than one directory service, separate them
by commas.
* Enter the directory services to use on the system [DECdns,Local,Domain] : Local,Domain
Enter a node name for each directory service chosen.
For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified
host name for DNS/BIND. The fully qualified host name includes the
host name part and the domain name part. For example:
Domain -
For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a node
full name. The node full name is the name of your system's node object
in the directory service. It includes the namespace nickname, and the
full list of directories leading to the node object name. Examples of
node full names for the directory services DECdns and Local file include:
Local file - LOCAL:.TomThumb
DECdns - XYZ_CORP:.sales.west_coast.WillyLoman
For the Local file, the namespace nickname LOCAL is prepended to the
full name and is terminated with a colon (:). The namespace nickname
"LOCAL" means that the Local file is used. The node object name must
begin with a dot (.), and no element of the name (namespace name,
directory, or node object name) can be a null string. Please note that
the namespace nickname "LOCAL" is reserved, and indicates that the
Local file will be used on this system.
The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can even
scale beyond that number. The actual number of nodes that the Local file
can hold depends on the space available on your system.
* Enter the full name for directory service LOCAL :
* Enter the fully qualified host name for DNS/BIND :
The node synonym is an alphanumeric character string between 1 and 6
characters long that contains at least one alphabetic character. If this
system had previously been running DECnet Phase IV software, then the old
nodename should be used as the synonym. If this system is joining a DECnet
network for the first time, any name can be used for the synonym, as long
as it meets the criteria listed above, and is unique within the network.
* What is the synonym name for this node? : GEORGE
* What type of node (Endnode or Router)? [ENDNODE] :
A DECnet-Plus system may or may not use a DECnet Phase IV-style node
address. A node address of 0.0 indicates that this DECnet-Plus system
will be communicating with OSI systems only. If your network contains
some systems running DECnet Phase IV, you may want to specify a compatible
address in order to communicate with them. If your network consists
solely of OSI systems, this is not required.
The DECnet Phase IV node address consists of an area number (between 1
and 63), and a node number within the area (between 1 and 1023).
* Enter PhaseIV Address [1.3] :
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-SCANCONFIG, scanning device configuration - please wait
Determining DTSS timezone rules from OpenVMS information...
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-EVDDEFAULT, providing default Event Dispatcher configuration
[Note: You may seem a stack dump here, but the process continues]
[Note: Despite the folloing warnings, these user accounts are created]
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account CML$SERVER
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account MAIL$SERVER
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account VPM$SERVER
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account MIRRO$SERVER
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account PHONE$SERVER
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
By default, MOP is not started by NET$STARTUP. In order to make
this system service MOP requests, NET$STARTUP_MOP must be defined
to signal NET$STARTUP to load the MOP software. This symbol is
normally defined in SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM.
Answering YES to the following question will modify
SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM for you, to enable MOP service on
this system. Answering NO will remove the logical name definition
from SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM. Note that this will have no
effect if the NET$STARTUP_MOP is defined elsewhere.
* Load MOP on this system? [NO] :
Summary of Configuration
Node Information:
Node Type: ENDNODE
Directory Services Chosen: LOCAL,DOMAIN
Primary Directory Service: LOCAL
Local Full name:
Fully Qualified Host Name:
Node Synonym: GEORGE
Phase IV Address: 1.3
Phase IV Prefix: 49::
Autoconfiguration of Network Addresses: Enabled
Session Control Address Update Interval: 10
Routing ESHello Timer: 600
Device Information:
Data Link name: CSMACD-0
Routing Circuit Name: CSMACD-0
Transport Information:
NSP Transport: Configured
Maximum number of logical links: 200
Maximum Transmit and Receive Window: 20
Maximum Receive Buffers: 4000
OSI Transport: Configured
Maximum number of logical links: 200
Maximum Transmit and Receive Window: 20
Maximum Receive Buffers: 4000
Congestion Avoidance Disabled
Event Dispatcher Configuration:
Sinks: local_sink
Outbound Streams: local_stream
Phase IV Relay: Enabled
* Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts? [YES] :
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-CHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts
* Do you want to start the network? [YES] :
%NET$STARTUP-I-OPERSTATUS, DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS operational status is RUNNING-ALL
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS configuration completed